About The Rockford Group Advertising Agency

About The Rockford Group

The Rockford Group is a multi-award winning, full service, “Tra-Digital” advertising agency, providing

 fully integrated digital and traditional creative and media buying services. 

  • • For over 25 years, we’ve proven the power of our signature approach to advertising… combining Inspired Creative with Practical Business 

  • • We are experts in digital advertising, social media services, TV, radio, print, outdoor, direct mail and more 

  • • We don’t settle on typical creative; we insist that our creative be inspired so, it must pass our, ”Is it an inspired solution to our client’s needs,” test 

  • • Our business practices go beyond typical planning, buying, and client services; the foundation of our practical business approach is to be: budget-sensitive, media-savvy, aggressive negotiators with media and vendors, and client services strong 

With The Rockford Group, you get three agencies (so to speak). If you need only digital media, Rockford is great at digital advertising. If you need traditional advertising, say TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, etc., Rockford is a great traditional creative and media agency. And, if you need digital integrated seamlessly with traditional media, Rockford is the Tra-Digital agency for you. 

Why settle for a digital agency that can’t coordinate your creative messaging; or a traditional agency that can’t coordinate and execute on digital and social media opportunities. For example, if your website’s SEO isn’t consistent with your creative message, you may end up with a very costly disconnect. 

Imagine the difficulty of a creative personality from one company trying to communicate effectively with a tech geek at another company! We eliminate that clumsiness by holistically developing your creative and media solutions, all in-house. First, we analyze your goals, needs, and expectations. Then, we select from the myriad of digital and traditional media opportunities available, utilizing only those that will appropriately and cost-efficiently deliver your creative’s power. A digital agency thinks statistically, a creative agency thinks creatively. Still, without effective communication between the two (the burden of which usually falls on the client), you run the risk of a disjointed campaign that wastes money and diminishes the power of your critical messaging. The adage was, “The media is the message.” In today’s world, “The media is a delivery system for your message,” and that is why it is critical to your success that all elements are coordinated so that your message isn’t diluted, but instead, potently stated no matter which media is used. That’s where our Inspired Creative/Practical Business approach makes all the difference. So let’s talk; for your complimentary no-obligation consultation, please click here.